What Next After Surgery? 4 Post-Op, Self-Care Tips for a Faster Recovery Process

When people age, health issues become more of a concern, and the prospect of a surgical procedure is likely. If you find yourself in this situation, many things immediately strike your mind, but it's highly important to plan for the operation's aftermath. This post highlights four post-surgery self-care tips for a quicker recovery. Continue reading and learn to achieve the best outcomes possible. Take Care of the Wound and Inflammation

Understanding Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is a sinus infection that lasts more than a couple of months. Sinusitis often resolves on its own within a couple weeks or with a little help from a decongestant, but chronic sinusitis can remain as a constant or worsen over time. There's not always a clear reason for sinusitis turning into a chronic condition, but underlying conditions, such as asthma and allergic rhinitis, are thought to contribute to prolonged or worsened levels of nasal inflammation, and smokers are also considered to be at increased risk of developing chronic sinusitis.